Stick to Proven Technologies for Air Cleaning in Schools: The case of ionization technologies

CC+S Staff
March 31, 2021

School Reopening & Ventilation: Which California Schools Will Get Priority for AB 841 Funds to Upgrade their Building Ventilation Systems?

Jeff Vincent and Mona Al-Abadi
March 23, 2021

School Facility Funding is the Most Inequitable Aspect of California Education Finance: Why do the two new school bond bills barely tackle it?

Jeff Vincent
February 1, 2021

New CC+S Study: Are California Public School Kitchens Scratch-Cooking Ready?

CC+S Staff
November 13, 2020

California School Bonds on the November 2020 Ballot: Are they equitable?

Jeff Vincent and José Lopez
October 27, 2020

Tools for Reopening School Facilities During COVID-19

Jeff Vincent
September 3, 2020